
During the summarizing conference, the participants gave their presentations on a given topic. The high school students prepared presentations in groups, while the university students did so on individually. Most often participants utilized a slideshow and read out pre-prepared text. For each presentation questions were asked that each participant was required to answer. Each presentation was assessed by those appointed by the coordinators and then evaluated by the coordinators as well, according to guidelines that were previously received by the participants. The conference was also attended by students from the Institute of European Studies, who previously peer reviewed the participants' texts, paying attention to both, content and editorial guidelines. The revised texts were sent to participants who had the possibility to make improvements to their conference speeches. The conference was preceded by a workshop conducted by an employee of the Historical Museum of Krakow entitled "Museum lesson on the aspect of the Holocaust in the works of Joseph Szajna - about the experiences of the Holocaust in Art". It was particularly important for the coordinators that the project incorporated an educational element through art – hence why they engaged in further collaboration with the Historical Museum of Krakow. Within the framework of this cooperation, the project participants took part in the above-mentioned museum workshops. They could also (it was optional for them) see the free performance of "Las acacias and cinnamon. An assembly - a performance inspired by the life and work of Bruno Schulz" (November 14, 2013, h. 19.00, Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory).

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